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Jun 9 2021

JFC Brunssum Conducts Annual Comprehensive Approach Seminar

Brunssum, the Netherlands – Today, 09 June 2021, JFC Brunssum (JFCBS) conducted the Comprehensive Approach Seminar 2021 via video teleconference. The seminar provided a forum for interaction between nations, JFCBS staff plus other NATO and non-NATO Headquarters and organisations. Discussion focused on Operational-level civil-military cooperation and coordination on Alliance territory in order to better align with and support Deterrence and Defence of the Euro-Atlantic Area (DDA). 

Military instruments of Power are all about readiness and reliability in relation to resilience through civil preparedness

 In his opening remarks, JFCBS Deputy Chief of Staff (Plans), Major General Kees Matthijssen, underlined the importance of the seminar in that it allowed for better coordination and understanding amongst stakeholders: "Military instruments of Power are all about readiness and reliability in relation to resilience through civil preparedness," he stated.

20210609-jb01-0047-005_article-MtJeW1In total 11 Nations, various NATO headquarters, plus USEUCOM, Component Commands, Corps and JFCBS staff from all Divisions and offices, participated in the event. In his presentation, the JFCBS Civil-Military Cooperation Branch Head, Colonel Thierry, appreciated the broad participation and underlined the importance of maintaining a strong and robust liaison network. He said: "As an operational command it is crucial to establish contacts and coordination before any indicators and warnings of crisis may occur."20210609-jb01-0047-003_article-FORYM2

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


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The Netherlands

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