The significance and importance of the conference can clearly be deduced from the attendees – starting from Tuesday's key note speaker Admiral Rob Bauer, Chair NATO Military Committee and NATO's most senior military officer, followed by the Chiefs of Defense of: Estonia, Lieutenant General Martin Herem; Latvia, Lieutenant General Leonīds Kalniņš; Lithuania, Lieutenant General Valdemaras Rupšys; and Hungary, Lieutenant General Romulusz Ruszin-Szendi. 
"During this conference I have witnessed that Joint Force Command Brunssum and the nations in their area of responsibility stand together as one. Together, they show what solidarity means in practice." Admiral Bauer stated and added furthermore: "Reinforcing our military power is key for the future of the Alliance."
The aim of the conference was to discuss issues of common regional interest with Allies and Partners and enhance regional expertise within JFCBS' area of responsibility.

Topics discussed included: NATO's concept of Deterrence and Defence; NATO's readiness and posture in the region; Military capabilities; advanced operational planning; training and exercises as well as consultation, coordination and de-confliction with Finland and Sweden.
"Our close alignment and common understanding of Readiness and Capability give proof of our determination to deter and defend NATO's north-eastern flank," General Vollmer stated.
Various round table discussions to coordinate on current topics of Readiness and Posture provided an excellent opportunity to create closer relations amongst all stakeholders by tightening the network and stressing JFCBS role as the Nexus to link and coordinate all activities in the region.