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Jul 15 2021

JFC Brunssum Mobile Training Team Visits Georgia

Brunssum, The Netherlands – From 04 to 11 July 21, a team of fully vaccinated instructors from JFC Brunssum, the Joint Logistic Support Group Brunssum and the US Delegation housed on the Brunssum site, conducted a Non-Commissioned Officers (NCO) Joint Mobile Training Team Visit to Tbilisi, Georgia._nato4

Hosted by the Georgian Combined Arms Centre, Defence Forces Training and Military Education Command, amongst other topics, presentations and discussions focused on NCO Leadership, Command Team Relationships and Vignette work. The training was well received by all participants and successfully achieved associated training objectives.

This short training serial is one element of a larger annual training package conducted by NATO in Georgia and underscores NATO/JFC Brunssum resolve to fulfil mission-related tasks, even under the unprecedented circumstances presented by a global pandemic.

Story by JFC Brunssum J-9

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