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Netherlands Remembrance Day

Brunssum, the Netherlands – Every year on 4th May a national commemoration takes place across the Netherlands.  The intent is to pay tribute to all Netherlands victims – soldiers and civilians – who have been killed in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, or elsewhere in the world in war or peace-keeping operations, since the outbreak of the Second World War.  This year was no exception in the town of Brunssum.
Shortly after 10:00 this morning the Mayor of Brunssum (Mayor Wilma Van der Rijt), Commander JFC Brunssum (General Jӧrg Vollmer) and Commander US Army Garrison Benelux-Brunssum (Colonel James Yastrzemsky) laid wreaths at both the Public and War Cemeteries in Brunssum.  On completion, all took the time to recite impromptu but highly appropriate words of thanks to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can continue to enjoy peace today.  In his remarks General Vollmer stated: ‘We should never forget the debt we owe.  They gave their ‘today’ for our ‘tomorrow.’  And, around the world, men and women of today’s generation (military and civilian) continue to lay down their lives to preserve peace.  We are all thankful to them.’   

Story by Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


JFCBS HQ Brunssum
PO box 270
6440AG Brunssum
The Netherlands

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6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands