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Aug 27 2021

Operational Update Week 34

Norwegian F-35 fighter aircraft integrated with Allied Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance aircraft and maritime assets during a multi-domain exercise on 18 Aug 2021. NATO E-3A AWACS provided airborne command and control for this pre-planned training event off the Norwegian coast. The exercise trained Alliance forces to integrate, operate, and communicate in the unique environment afforded by the High North. "Exercising multinational and multi-platform data sharing between NATO and Allies is essential to maintaining a decisive advantage and ensuring peace and stability in the region," said General Jeff Harrigian, Commander Allied Air Command._nato4
NATO E-3A AWACS during the multi-domain exercise on 18 Aug 2021.  Photo by Allied Air Command PAO

The Icelandic Coast Guard, using an AS332 Super Puma helicopter, conducted an advanced hoist serial during cross-deck flight operations with the Canadian ship HMCS Fredericton from the Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 (SNMG1) off the coast of Iceland on 23 August 2021. This important capability is used during search & rescue missions or when a seriously ill or injured mariner is required to be taken ashore for medical reasons. SNMG1 is one of NATOs two Maritime Immediate Reaction Forces. The Standing NATO Maritime Groups are multinational, integrated maritime force elements comprised of vessels from various allied countries. Vessels such as these are permanently available to NATO. They conduct are extremely versatile and conduct a broad range of tasks.

The Icelandic Coast Guard`s Super Puma helicopter conducting an advanced hoist serial during cross-deck flight operations. Photo by SNMG1 PAO

Stories by Allied Air Command Public Affairs Office (PAO) / SNMG1 PAO / JFC Brunssum PAO

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