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Dec 16 2021

The  Turkish Military Representative to SHAPE visits JFCBS

Brunssum, The Netherlands – 16 December General Jӧrg Vollmer, Commander Joint Force Command Brunssum (JFCBS), hosted the Turkish National Military Representative to SHAPE, Brigadier General Birol Arslan at the JFCBS HQ. During the visit, they discussed various topics including Turkey's contributions to JFCBS Headquarters and NATO as whole.

JFCBS HQ has greatly benefited from the marked capabilities of the Turkish staff

On this regard, General Vollmer expressed his appreciation and thanks to Brigadier General Birol Arslan and underlined "JFCBS HQ has greatly benefited from the marked capabilities of the Turkish staff. Their dedication and professionalism is outstanding."

During his visit, Brigadier General Arslan also took the opportunity to meet with Turkish personnel at JFBCS in order to thank them for their contribution to the headquarters and their overall efforts.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


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PO box 270
6440AG Brunssum
The Netherlands

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