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Sep 1 2022

Building bridges with the Province of Limburg: COM JFCBS meets Governor Emile Roemer

Brunssum, The Netherlands – On Tuesday 30 August, Commander Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum (JFCBS), General Guglielmo Luigi Miglietta, paid a visit to the King’s Commissioner of Limburg, Emile Roemer, in Maastricht.

The cohesion within the Alliance is demonstrated every day in JFCBS Headquarters by the effectiveness of our multinational team

In the Netherlands, the title of King’s Commissioner (Commissaris van de Koning) was historically used to designate the royal authority, and today the holder acts as the head of a Province. In Limburg Province, the King’s Commissioner is informally known as the Governor (Gouverneur).


The Governor’s tasks include responsibility for public order and safety, recommendation of appointments of Mayors and Police Commissioners, giving advice on the awarding of royal honours and medals, coordination of royal visits to Limburg, and contact with foreign representatives to Limburg.

After a warm welcome by Governor Roemer, the pair discussed a range of topics, from the strategic issues facing NATO to the importance of continuing to build relationships between HQ JFCBS and the population and institutions of Limburg.

General Miglietta stressed how essential it is for the Alliance to maintain the support of the people that NATO protects, in an increasingly uncertain world. “As we face growing security challenges, we have to tell the story of democracy and to build understanding and support for NATO’s activities in order to make the Alliance stronger”, underlined General Miglietta.

Emphasising the fruitfulness of an international working environment, he also added: “The cohesion within the Alliance is demonstrated every day in JFCBS Headquarters by the effectiveness of our multinational team”.

This cohesion has kept Europe free from major conflicts for seventy years and Allies will continue to stand and act together based on the principles of solidarity, shared purpose and fair burden sharing.


Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


JFCBS HQ Brunssum
PO box 270
6440AG Brunssum
The Netherlands

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Public Affairs Office
Attn: Media Section
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands