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Sep 6 2022

Danish Contingent celebrate Danish Flag Flying Day

Brunssum, The Netherlands – Danish personnel stationed at JFC Brunssum have commemorated Danish Flag Flying Day with a cultural event in the headquarters.

Every year on the 5th of September, the people of Denmark hold a day of celebration, featuring a series of events throughout the Kingdom. The purpose of the day is to commemorate the sacrifices of Danish soldiers who have been deployed abroad since 1948.


In Copenhagen, the main celebrations of Danish Flag Flying Day include a military parade and an act of remembrance in the Naval Church. A wreath is also laid by the Danish government at the monument to fallen soldiers in Kastellet.

Meanwhile, at JFC Brunssum, a celebration was hosted on Friday 2nd September by the Danish Delegation and the Senior National Representative, Colonel Lars Mouritsen. The event was a great success, with Danish and international colleagues coming together to enjoy Danish specialties such as red sausages, draft beer and chocolate milk.


Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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The Netherlands


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