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Apr 29 2022

Director General Strategy & Operations in the German Ministry of Defence, Lieutenant General Gunter Schneider, visits JFC Brunssum.

Brunssum, The Netherlands – On 29th April, Commander Joint Force Command Brunssum (JFCBS), General Jörg Vollmer, welcomed another visitor to JFCBS: The Director General for Strategy & Operations in the German Ministry of Defence, Lieutenant General Gunter Schneider, visited JFC Brunssum to discuss synchronisation of future operational plans and contribution to NATO exercises. The ongoing crisis in Northern Europe following Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine also was a prominent topic.

The deployment of German units to Slovakia and Romania – additional to the German role as Framework Nation for the enhanced Forward (eFP) Battlegroup in Lithuania – sends a strong signal of support to our eastern NATO partners in this crisis. It further strengthens the Alliance's capabilities and determination to deter any aggression and defend against any possible attack

Both Generals agreed that Russia's war against Ukraine is the gravest threat to Euro-Atlantic security in decades and reiterated that NATO is a defensive Alliance, capable, ready and willing to defend its member states and their territory should the need arise.

General Vollmer thanked General Schneider and the German MOD on behalf of NATO for the contribution the German Armed Forces provide to the NATO Response Force (NRF) and the enhancement of NATO's Eastern Flank with additional troops in order to curtail the threats for NATO posed by Russia's brutal and unjustified war against Ukraine.


"The deployment of German units to Slovakia and Romania – additional to the German role as Framework Nation for the enhanced Forward (eFP) Battlegroup in Lithuania – sends a strong signal of support to our eastern NATO partners in this crisis. It further strengthens the Alliance's capabilities and determination to deter any aggression and defend against any possible attack", said General Vollmer.

The Directorate for Strategy and Operations in the German Ministry of Defence (MOD) is one of JFCBS major counterparts for the development of military capacities in respect to the German Armed Forces.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


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The Netherlands

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