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Jun 23 2022

JFC Brunssum Deputy Chief of Staff for Support Attends Coalition Warrior Interoperability Exercise in Poland

Bydgoszcz, Poland – On 21st June, the Joint Force Command Brunssum Deputy Chief of Staff (Support), Major General Stefan Fix, attended the Coalition Warrior Interoperability Exercise 2022 (CWIX 22) VIP Day in Bydgoszcz, Poland. 

Organised by Headquarters Supreme Allied Command Transformation (HQ SACT) in Norfolk, USA, on behalf of the NATO's North Atlantic Council (NAC) and the Military Committee (MC), CWIX 22 is NATO's premier interoperability exercise. _nato4

CWIX is operationally driven, and serves to validate deployable Command & Control (C2) technologies. Hosted annually at the Joint Force Training Centre (JFTC) in Bydgoszcz, the exercise enables Allies and Partner Nations to test their, near-term, experimental and future C2 capabilities and IT services to ensure that front line units are able to operate seamlessly together in battle.

At CWIX, nations bolster the resilience and readiness of Alliance and Partner Nation militaries and prepare them for NATO missions, including the NATO Response Force (NRF). This year, experts from 35 NATO and non-NATO nations tested more than 340 deployable command and control (C2) capabilities and IT services.

As DCOS (Support), one of General Fix's most important responsibilities relates to the Communications and Information Technology employed by the Headquarters. In this capacity, he visited CWIX for an overview of the latest concepts and technologies designed to enhance the C2 of NATO HQs and units.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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