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Apr 22 2022

Northern Europe Operational Update Weeks 15/16 2022

NATO is continuing to reinforce defensive capabilities on it's Eastern Flank following Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine.


In Slovakia: a bi-national, Dutch-German Air and Missile Defence Task Force has deployed the defensive PATRIOT missile system near Sliač airbase to defend Alliance territory from possible air attack. Allies trained with this missile defence system during an Integrated Air Missile Defence (IAMD) Exercise in Sliač from 19 to 21 April.

Over the last two weeks, Battlegroup Slovakia has also continued to enhance its readiness with Combat First Aid training and marksmanship exercises. This new battlegroup arrived in Slovakia on 4 April, following a NATO decision to establish four additional multinational battlegroups on the Eastern Flank of the Alliance.

These reinforcements are a visible reminder that NATO stands as one to deter – and if necessary defend – against any threats to Alliance territory and populations.


In Estonia: Exercise BOLD DRAGON recently concluded. The exercise involved around 2,800 soldiers from the UK, France and Denmark and provided key Air/Land Integration (ALI) training with Belgian F-16s. The exercise provided Joint Terminal Attack Controllers (JTACs) from NATO nations the opportunity to work with Belgian colleagues, in the process building crucial relationships and enhancing interoperability between the nations currently deployed to Estonia.

"Exercise BOLD DRAGON has provided an opportunity to enhance our air and land integration activity as an eFP Battlegroup," said Captain Dorling, Officer Commanding the eFP Estonia Battlegroup Tactical Air Control Party. "Working with Allied partner aircraft, Joint Terminal Attack Controllers have developed vital understanding and knowledge across a range of scenarios," she added.


Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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