In Belgium: from 11 to 15 July 2022, NATO conducted Electronic Warfare training via Exercise RAMSTEIN GUARD. On this occasion participating Belgian aircrews and control staff learnt to continue operations when, for exercise, their systems were jammed by an adversary. The primary training effort was to solidify/sustain NATO's air defence shield, the so-called Integrated Air and Missile Defence System, such that air operations could continue and a Recognised Air Picture could be maintained, in a contested electromagnetic environment.
In Estonia: the NATO enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) Battlegroup has finished Exercise DRAGON HUNT. The training enhanced NATO soldiers' camouflage and reconnaissance skills in the forest. Hunter forces used electromagnetic capabilities to locate enemy positions, enabling them to conduct recces in preparation for future attacks. When combined with traditional soldiering skills, such technologies enable commanders to take advantage of opportunities more quickly when they arise on the battlefield.
In Germany: the live-fire element of the NATO Exercise DYNAMIC FRONT is taking place in Grafenwoehr Training Area, Germany, involving approximately 80 artillery systems from NATO and partner countries. Units taking part are participating in Artillery Systems Cooperation Activities in order to build interoperability and cooperation between NATO Allies and partners, thus ensuring they can operate as one synchronised and coordinated team.

In Lithuania: soldiers from the NATO eFP Battlegroup started their rotation. Newly arrived German soldiers form that nations' 12th rotation are eager to train with NATO allies and prove their readiness to deter and defend. The joint and multinational character of NATO deployments, exercises and activities, is a clear demonstration of Alliance resolve, determination and ability to act as one, in response to any aggression.

In Estonia: the NATO eFP Battlegroup conducted a combat training exercise. British, Danish and French soldiers were put through their paces to test their endurance, teamwork and mental robustness. Training such as this is an essential part of professional soldiering and ensures agility and discipline on the battlefield.