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Sep 16 2022

Northern Europe Operational Update Weeks 36 / 37 2022

In Lithuania,

At the beginning of September, approximately one hundred German soldiers arrived in Lithuania as part of NATO’s increased presence on the Alliance’s eastern flank. The German troops constitute the command unit of a new brigade, a force usually consisting of 3000 to 5000 soldiers. The brigade’s command staff will remain permanently in the Baltic nation, while combat units participate on a rotational basis, for exercises.


In Poland,

NATO enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group, Poland, continues to focus on integration and interoperability with Multinational Division North-east and 15th Mechanized Infantry Brigade, recently participating in joint live-fire exercises at Ustka Range in the North-west of the country. An important element of the exercises was the efficient and rapid movement of troops over a considerable distance. During the multi-day event, forces conducted integrated movement and manoeuvres, focusing on the ability to Shoot, Move and Communicate (SMC).

In Slovakia,

The annual, multinational exercise Toxic Valley 2022 (TOVY22) is currently underway, involving the Slovak Armed Forces and troops from other NATO countries. The aim of the two-week exercise is to train sampling teams and laboratory crews in the identification of chemical agents in conditions close to those prevalent in an operational environment. Exercises such as TOVY22 provide opportunities for: Allies and Partners to learn from each other and strengthen relationships; work effectively together in response to threats; and to gain confidence in their ability to operate together in a time of crisis.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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