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Oct 28 2022

Northern Europe Operational Update Weeks 42/43 2022

In Sliač, Slovakia, Allied aircraft including F-18s from the USS George H. W. Bush flew thousands of miles from the Mediterranean to Central and Eastern Europe, where they simulated strikes on targets across NATO’s Eastern Flank. The aircraft interacted with NATO air defence installations as part of Vigilance Activity Neptune Strike, which sees a U.S. Carrier Strike Group transferred to NATO Command for the third time this year.

Speaking at sea on USS George H. W. Bush, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said the Vigilance Activity is a, “perfect example of the transatlantic bond – Europe and North America, working together in NATO.”

In Lithuania, Exercise Iron Wolf took place for the second time this year. Organised by the Lithuanian Iron Wolf Brigade, around 3,500 troops and 700 pieces of military equipment took part from ten NATO Allies and Partner Nations. Exercise Iron Wolf takes place every spring and autumn to maintain and assess combat readiness of the Iron Wolf infantry brigade.

In the North Atlantic Ocean, around 750 soldiers from Denmark’s 1st Army Brigade have deployed to Latvia as part of a battalion to defend NATO’s Eastern Flank. The Danish soldiers are helping to reinforce the Baltic Region after Russia’s unjustified and brutal invasion of Ukraine. The troops are deployed alongside other NATO forces in Ādaži Military Base, and are integrated into the Latvian Mechanised Infantry Brigade.

Watch the video to learn more!

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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