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Apr 10 2024

Commander JFCBS Adds Perspective to Cybersecurity Conference launched at Maastricht University

Brunssum, The Netherlands – General Guglielmo Luigi Miglietta, Commander, Joint Force Command (JFC) Brunssum, participated in the Advanced Cybersecurity Conference on Monday, 8th April, 2024, at Maastricht University. The conference was organized by the European Centre on Privacy and Cybersecurity (ECPC).

Cybersecurity concerns are universal, and surpass the interests of individual nations

During the first day of the conference, participants heard lectures covering a variety of topics related to basic cybersecurity concepts. The speakers and trainees discussed different techniques used for cyber threats and attacks, as well as mechanisms and practices for effective protection from those threats.

"Cybersecurity concerns are universal, and surpass the interests of individual nations. It is an essential topic of global security,” said General Miglietta, addressing conference attendees as a guest speaker. “In this complex network the battlefield has evolved, becoming more complex, continually introducing new threats that challenge our security and ultimately our peace and way of life.”

General Miglietta also highlighted the importance of close cooperation between military and civilian agencies in cybersecurity.

“We, as an Alliance, have no other options than to bolster our collective defences through enhanced collaboration and innovative solutions. Developing partnership programs with the private and civil sectors enhances our capabilities, ensuring that our defence mechanisms are as agile and innovative as the threats we face, with a 360 degree approach.”

Two Cyberspace subject matter experts from JFC Brunssum also contributed as speakers to the Conference.

Mr. Tomas Mogodia provided a brief on NATO activities on cyberspace security and securing command and control networks, noting that the first casualty of cyberwarfare will be privacy.

Lieutenant Colonel Lee Smart spoke about understanding the threat landscape with regard to cyberspace, considering the primary threat actors and their capabilities.

The European Centre on Privacy and Cybersecurity brings together an interdisciplinary group of researchers, active in areas of fundamental rights, data privacy, transparency and confidentiality, IT and data security. The Centre offers a platform for research focused on legal issues related to personal data protection and cybersecurity.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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