Brunssum, The Netherlands – On Tuesday 13 February, Headquarters Joint Force Command Brunssum (HQ JFCBS) hosted the visit of Mr Hanno Pevkur, the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Estonia.
It is good to see how strong the Estonian bond is to NATO and vice versa
After a welcome to the headquarters, Mr Pevkur attended an office call with Commander JFC Brunssum, General Guglielmo Luigi Miglietta, followed by a lunch with a selected number of high ranking guests. The Minister received a briefing from senior HQ JFCBS staff and finally he had the opportunity to meet and express his gratitude to the Estonian delegation serving at the headquarters for their commitment.

Minister Pevkur stated that ’’It was good to visit Allied Join Force Command today to get an overview of the Command’s efforts to implement NATO’s new defence plans agreed at the Vilnius Summit. I met with the Commander and we discussed important building blocks, such as command and control, forces, and future capability development efforts that are needed to bring these plans to life. I was particularly pleased to also meet with Estonian Defence Forces staff working in the Headquarters.”
“It was a great honour to host the Minister of Defence, Mr Hanno Pevkur here in Brunssum,” said General Miglietta. “It is good to see how strong the Estonian bond is to NATO and vice versa. I assured the Minister that we are ready to deter any aggression and if necessary to defend Estonia, but also all the other countries in our area of responsibility”.
HQ JFCBS is one of NATO’s most important military headquarters, responsible for directing operations in time of crisis. JFCBS is the only Operational-level headquarters in the NATO structure under the command of a European General.