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Apr 19 2024

Leadership Development: Gen Miglietta Closes Trans-Atlantic Trip With Visit to U.S. Army War College

Joint Force Command (JFC) Brunssum Commander, General Guglielmo Luigi Miglietta, ended his 5-day trip to the United States with a visit to U.S. Army War College (AWC) in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, 18th April, 2024. 

Gen. Miglietta was welcomed by Major General David Hill, AWC Commandant. The two senior leaders discussed the evolving global threat landscape, the increasing importance of the high north, the future of the NATO Alliance, and NATO officer participation in AWC training programmes.  

The visit was a homecoming of sorts for General Miglietta. As an AWC graduate himself in 2005, the AWC staff and students held a ceremony to induct General Miglietta into the AWC International Hall of Fame to close his visit.

The War College faculty’s lectures, infused with both theoretical insights and real-world experiences, were nothing short of electrifying,” General Miglietta said of his time as an AWC student to the assembled audience. “Yet, the heart of the war college experience lies in the lifelong connections forged – a powerful network of allies-to-be. These friendships transcend mere camaraderie, they have the power to shape future collaborations when global crises demand coordinated action. Challenge yourself intellectually, but remember, the true network you are building is made up of the fellow students sitting beside you.

As part of General Miglietta’s visit to the United States, he has visited Headquarters Allied Command Transformation, HQ JFC Norfolk and the Pentagon. 

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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