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Jan 15 2025

The Swedish Military Representative to SHAPE visits JFCBS

BRUNSSUM, The Netherlands – General Guglielmo Luigi Miglietta, Commander of Joint Force Command Brunssum (JFCBS), hosted a visit from Brigadier General Anders Svensson, the Swedish National Military Representative to the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) on the 15th of January, 2025.

The contributions of the Swedish staff have significantly enhanced the effectiveness of JFCBS HQ. Their exceptional dedication, professionalism, and advanced capabilities are truly commendable

During their meeting, they discussed a range of topics, including Sweden's contributions to JFCBS Headquarters

Following the initial meeting, Brigadier General Svensson attended a detailed briefing that focused on the current operations and responsibilities of JFC Brunssum. This provided him with valuable insights into the headquarters' role and its future priorities within NATO.

"The contributions of the Swedish staff have significantly enhanced the effectiveness of JFCBS HQ. Their exceptional dedication, professionalism, and advanced capabilities are truly commendable," said General Miglietta.

During the visit, Brig. Gen. Svensson took the opportunity to meet with Swedish personnel at JFC Brunssum, expressing his gratitude for their overall efforts and contributions to the headquarters. In return, Swedish personnel had the opportunity to share their experiences and discuss the advantages and challenges of serving within the JFC Brunssum.

“As the Swedish NMR at SHAPE, it is important to visit the Swedish personnel working within the ACO structure. The dual purpose is to inform about current national topics as well as receive information about the important work taking place at JFCBS, both of them vital,” said Brig. Gen. Svensson.

Sweden's relations with NATO date back to 1994, when Sweden joined the Partnership for Peace. Since then, Sweden's cooperation with NATO has gradually increased. On 7th of March 2024, Sweden became a full member of NATO. As a NATO member, Sweden brings significant contributions, including advanced military capabilities, strategic geographic positioning in the Baltic Sea region, and a long-standing tradition of supporting international peace and stability. Sweden’s membership strengthens NATO’s presence in Northern Europe and enhances its ability to address emerging security challenges in the region.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


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The Netherlands

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