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May 8 2020

JFCBS Covid-19 Staff update 08 May 2020

Brunssum, the Netherlands, Friday 08 May 2020  

NATO's engagement to help Allies and partner nations to counter the pandemic continues uninterrupted. On 05 May, the Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre (EADRCC) received a request for international assistance from Bulgaria to transport protective and medical equipment from China to Bulgaria to help in the fight against COVID-19. On 06 May, Tunisia sent a request to the EADRCC for international assistance. Tunisia is seeking NATO assistance through the EADRCC coordination to receive medical aid to support the battle against the Coronavirus and to contain the outbreak within its borders.

NATO is using every asset at its disposal to assist Allies and partner countries during the COVID-19 crisis, including the newly established Rapid Air Mobility capability that expedites relief flights by assigning a NATO call-sign.

Some relaxations to the Coronavirus restrictions will come into effect both in The Netherlands and neighbouring Belgium and Germany. For example, effective this Saturday, in Germany all shops, restaurants and bars are allowed to re-open, however some precautionary measures such as a limitation of the number of customers, physical distancing and the usage of face masks, still apply. In Belgium, the same rules will be effective as of 11 May. Also on 11 May, in The Netherlands, barbershops and other contact-professions will be allowed to re-open. Sports will be allowed within certain limits.

Have a nice weekend and keep observing the physical distancing rules. Apply hand hygiene best practice and stay safe.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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