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Jun 22 2020


As part of the efforts to fight Corona, last Friday a company managed by German veteran reservists donated 500 face shields to the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA). The German reservists wanted this donation to be understood as a gesture of appreciation for the support provided by the Agency to NATO nations during the COVID-19 pandemic. The shields, worn both as an alternative to and complementary to face masks, protect against droplets and splashes of liquids, helping to reduce the risk of infection. NSPA will distribute the face shields to staff deployed to support hospital facilities and laboratories in Kosovo or Afghanistan, to the NSPA Medical team and staff members employed in workshops, post offices or dining facilities. In order to contribute to reduce the risk of infection, the reservists’ company has already donated face shields to the American Red Cross of the US Army Europe, located in Wiesbaden (Germany); the US Army and the British Armed Forces located in Germany among others.

Towards the end of last week, NATO Defence Ministers met by secure video conference to prepare for a possible second wave of the Coronavirus pandemic. They decided on a plan to provide support to Allies and partners, agreed to establish a stockpile of medical equipment and supplies, as well as a new fund to enable Allies to quickly acquire medical supplies and services. This includes the airlift of essential medical supplies, transport of patients, and constructing field hospitals. Defence Ministers from Finland, Sweden, and Australia also joined the discussions, as well as EU High Representative/Vice President, Josep Borrell. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed that many Allies have offered to donate medical equipment to the stockpile, and to contribute to the financing. “This is a sign of Allied unity and solidarity – just as Allies have supported one another, and our partners, in the first wave of COVID-19. We stand ready to support each other should a second wave of the pandemic strike, to reduce suffering, and to save lives”, Stoltenberg said.


Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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