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Jun 25 2020

JFCBS COVID-19 Staff update 25 June 2020

Thursday, 25 June 2020 

Today, NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană delivered a virtual address to the 7th Czech National Security Conference, organised by the Jagello 2000 association. The subject of the conference reads: "Our Security Cannot Be Taken for Granted". In the address, he commended the Czech Republic for its generous support to Allies during the COVID 19 pandemic, including with donations of medical equipment to Italy, Spain, and North Macedonia. He also thanked the Czech Republic for its continued commitment to NATO deployments from Afghanistan to Iraq, and to the Alliance’s multinational battlegroups. Mr. Geoană said that NATO Allies need to ensure that the health and economic downturn caused by the COVID 19 pandemic “does not become a security crisis”. NATO solidarity is what will help to overcome the crisis and to stand ready to respond to possible new waves in the spread of the virus. The Deputy Secretary General reiterated that NATO has to remain ready to defend all its allies against any threat, today and tomorrow. He stressed that cyber threats and disinformation are on the rise, while at the same time other risks that existed before the pandemic have not disappeared. “Around the world, terrorism continues, authoritarian regimes challenge liberal democracies, nuclear weapons are proliferating. The security situation in Afghanistan and Iraq remains fragile. And we see a continued pace of Russian military activity”, he said. Mr. Geoana stressed that “NATO’s job is to remain ready to defend all Allies against any threat” and that in order “to adapt our policies and strategies, we have to continue to invest in our armed forces and in modern military capabilities”. 

Last night, the Dutch government published a new announcement for the Coronavirus precautionary measures valid for the Netherlands as of 01 July, now moving to less restrictive rules. The most important remaining restrictions effective 01 July are:

·       Stay 1.5 metres away from individuals not part of your household.

·       For indoors gatherings, the maximum number of people in one space is limited to 100 (not counting staff). Everyone must have their own seat.

·       For outdoor gatherings, no more than 250 people (not counting staff) can be present. In outdoor seating areas at restaurants, cafés and bars guests must have their own seat.

·       In shops, museums, libraries and other indoor settings, and at zoos, theme parks and other outdoor locations where visitors move through the space, the rule is that people must stay 1.5 metres apart. Here, no maximum number of people applies.

·       Non-medical face masks must be worn on public transport. Passengers can now use all seats on buses, trains, trams and metros.

·       For other shared forms of transport, such as taxis, passenger vans and coaches, passengers must reserve and must undergo a pre-travel health check. Non-medical face masks must also be worn.

·       Children aged 12 and under do not have to stay 1.5 metres away from other children or adults.

·       Teenagers aged 17 and under do not have to stay 1.5 metres away from others under 18.

·       Secondary schools will re-open fully after the summer holidays. Students and staff must still stay 1.5 metres apart. 

For the complete announcement, please see the following link:


Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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