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May 26 2020

JFCBS Covid-19 Staff update 26 May 2020

Brunssum, the Netherlands, Tuesday 26 May 2020

As another example of mutual support among NATO partners during the Corona crisis, today a team of Romanian military medical personnel and specialists in the field of Chemical, Biological, Radioactive and Nuclear warfare (CBRN) left for Alabama, United States, to join forces with their American colleagues. The medical staff consisting of five doctors and five nurses normally work at emergency military hospitals across Romania, while the CBRN team is composed of five officers with extensive experience from the Romanian Defence Staff and the Romanian Land Forces. The medical team will provide specialized support to several medical care and treatment units. They will also learn from the experience that their US colleagues have gained in the fight against the new virus. The CBRN specialists will share their experience and expertise with their American hosts in how to limit the spread of the infection, notably through biological decontamination of personnel, equipment, and terrain. The Romanian team will stay in US for approximately two weeks.

Despite the restrictions imposed on NATO forces in the context of the Corona pandemic, military operations and exercises are continuously carried out in all theatres the Alliance is engaged in. As for the NATO enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) Battlegroups in the Baltic States and Poland, constant training of soldiers is common practice. In this light, British soldiers from the Light Dragoons, a former cavalry regiment now operating as a reconnaissance force, and attachments from across the British Army participated in Operation ‘CABRIT’ as part of the US-led eFP Battlegroup Poland.

Corona-related restrictions are further relaxed. In Germany, the federal states can decide on the gradual opening of public life largely in their own responsibility. Eleven states have now set a date for the start of the outdoor swimming pool season. In neighbouring North Rhine-Westphalia, open-air swimming pools may open again with immediate effect, in the more southerly located state of Rhineland-Palatinate from 27 May. Some safety measures like limited number of visitors and physical distancing will however apply.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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