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Mar 31 2020

JFCBS Covid-19 Staff update 31 March 2020

Brunssum, the Netherlands, March 31th 2020

Today, the Dutch Government announced that restrictive measures put in place on 23 March in order to limit the effects of the Covid-19 crisis will be prolonged until Tuesday 28 April 2020.

The restrictions are based on the advice of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and violations may lead to fines being imposed.

The regional Dutch newspaper de Limburger published today an article on COM JFCBS in which he stresses the importance to safeguard the soldiers, their families as well as the inhabitants of Brunssum: “To keep the risk as small as possible, we implemented the same rules that apply for the Netherlands people. In addition, all the advice from the WHO is followed”. He also expressed his regret that, at this time, no visitors are allowed on-site.

General Bühler is committed to ensuring current NATO missions directed by JFCBS remain properly resourced to sustain our collective security.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


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The Netherlands

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