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Internship Information


HQ JFC Brunssum introduces its Internship Programme and provides current students with the opportunity to intern within HQ JFC at Brunssum, The Netherlands.
Through its internship programme, HQ JFC Brunssum is aiming at introducing young candidates from different backgrounds into different areas within the organisation.

The internship programme shall be beneficial to both the interns and HQ JFC Brunssum. The interns must be able to gain an understanding of an international organisation, while substantiating their CV and the Divisions/Offices of HQ JFC Brunssum shall dispose of additional resources over a set period of time.

The HQ JFC Internship Programme has four main objectives

  • To provide interns with an opportunity to learn from the HQ JFC community and gain a thorough understanding of the organisation and NATO in general.
  • To contribute to creating a more diverse workforce through encouraging Divisions/Offices to take on interns of different nationalities, origins and backgrounds with a view, in the mid to long-term, to providing HQ JFC with a younger and more diverse pool of potential future job applicants.
  • To provide HQ JFC with access to the contemporary academic, theoretical and technical knowledge that the interns can apply through practical work assignments.
  • To expand understanding of NATO in Alliance countries by having interns return to their countries and/or universities after completing the internship and share their experience, as well as to help NATO branding by being an Ambassador of HQ JFC.

We are especially interested in those with the following skillsets

  • International Relations
  • Political science
  • Media / Journalism
  • Information Technology
  • Web / Graphic Design 
  • Engineering 
  • Finance
  • Human Resources


Specific details on Internship opportunities related to the skillsets listed above will be advertised on this website, including the Division/Branch and the specific requirements for that internship. 

Open applications not related to the fore mentioned skillsets will not be accepted. HQ JFC Brunssum will launch a call for internships in April/May (start internships in February of following year) and in October/November (start internships in September of following year).


To qualify for an internship, the applicant must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • All applicants for an internship must be citizen of one of the 32 NATO member Nations.
  • Applicants are enrolled in full time education at vocational level or academic level of which the internship is an integral part and must continue to be enrolled for the complete duration of the internship period with HQ JFC Brunssum. Full time education is provided by an accredited educational establishment and consists out of at least twenty hours of lessons per week or equivalent credits.
  • There is a requirement for a duly signed School / University agreement approving the internship request and confirming that the internship is part of the education.
  • Proficiency in English language, oral and written, is essential since the working language in the headquarters is English.
  • Applicants must be at least 21 years old at the time of taking up the internship. Normally candidates should not be over the age of 35 unless they are engaged in a PhD programme and their field of study or thesis subject is of particular benefit to JFCBS.

Only applications fulfilling the eligibility criteria above will be taken into consideration.


  • Participation in the Internship Programme will normally be subject to receipt of an appropriate security clearance from your national authorities. The required time to receive the Security Clearance depends on the national rules of NATO Member States and may take from 2 to 8 months (or even longer). The clearance process starts once you have been selected. Applicants must understand that if the Security Clearance from the Nation has not been received prior to commencing any internship, HQ JFC Brunssum cannot commence any internship without the necessary individual Security Clearance and that applicants should ensure that they may have to have a secondary internship option elsewhere in case this situation comes to light.
  • Applicants, once selected, need to provide a copy of the student’s or his/her parents Liability Insurance Contract.
  • Applicants, once selected, need to present a copy of a valid residence permit or a declaration of registration.
  • Applicants, once selected, need to present a Dutch Citizen Service Number, ‘BSN – Burger Service Nummer’.


Interns will be paid a gross amount as a financial internship stipend to cover necessary costs to perform the internship, this amount is taxable and shall be stipulated in the internship agreement.

Stipend is:
For internship at middle vocational education level (VMBO / MBO): € 584, gross per month
For internship at University / higher vocational education level (WO / HBO): € 1375.09 (2024 rates), gross per month


  • Complete the application form in the NATO Talent Acquisition Platform (NTAP) using following link: https://nato.taleo.net/careersection/5/jobsearch.ftl?lang=en
  • Add a motivation letter (and CV/Resume) as an attachment to the application in NTAP. This one-page essay should include the student’s motivation for an internship at NATO / HQ JFC Brunssum, the student’s expectations and objectives.
  • Internships are not directly linked to recruitment and will not lead to employment.
  • All applications will be assessed by the Division / Branch, all candidates will be informed on the outcome.

Version April 2023

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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


JFCBS HQ Brunssum
PO box 270
6440AG Brunssum
The Netherlands

Media Operations

Public Affairs Office
Attn: Media Section
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands