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Command Senior Enlisted Leader

Chief Warrant Officer Christian Thomassin

Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) Christian Thomassin joined the Canadian Armed Forces in 1994 as an armoured crewman at B Squadron of the Royal Canadian Hussard in St-Hubert, Qué. After accepting a component transfer to the Regular Force in 1995, he was posted to the 12ième Régiment Blindé du Canada (12 RBC) Valacartier, Qué and rebadged two years later to the Lord Strathcona’s Horses Royal Canadian (LdSH (RC)) and posted to Edmonton.

He remustered to the Intelligence Branch in 2001 and upon completion of the QL5A, he was posted to the G2 section of the 5ième Groupe Brigade Mécanisé du Canada (5 GMBC) Valcartier, Qué. From 2001 until 2008, CWO Thomassin mainly worked at the tactical level where he was employed in many intelligence support roles such as collator, all sources analyst, Tactical Intelligence Operator Course instructor and as the S2 for the 1er Bataillon du Royal 22ième Régiment.

He was promoted to the rank of Warrant Officer in 2008 and then posted to the Canadian Forces School of Military Intelligence (CFSMI) where he was employed as an instructor and course Warrant Officer for the HUMINT Operator Course. In 2011, he was posted to the Canadian Expeditionary Forces Command (CEFCOM) in Ottawa where he fulfilled the duties of a staff officer under the J2X directorate.

In 2013, he was posted to Valcartier for a third time where he assumed the role of Sergeant-Major for the 15 All Sources Intelligence Centre (15 ASIC). Two years later, he was posted back to Ottawa as the J2 Sergeant-Major and J2X for the Canadian Special Operations Command (CANSOFCOM). Promoted to his current rank in 2017, CWO Thomassin was appointed School CWO for the CFSMI. From May 2020 to May 2021, he fulfilled the role of Task-Force Sergeant-Major for both Operation Impact and Foundation. Since June 2022, he has been appointed CWO of Formation Europe and National Military Representative at the Supreme Allied Powers Europe Headquarter in Casteau, Belgium.

CWO Thomassin has deployed in Kosovo, Haiti, Afghanistan (Kabul and Kandahar), Libya and Kuwait. He is a graduate of the Non-Commission Member Professional Development Program of the Royal Military College.

CWO Thomassin is married and has two amazing daughters.

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The Netherlands


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