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Iceland Director Security and Defence Department calls into JFC Brunssum

11 Jan; Mister Arnor Sigurjonsson (Iceland Director of Security and Defence Department) accompanied by a delegation led by Mr Fridrik Jonsson (Iceland’s Military Representative to NATO) visited Joint Force Command Brunssum in order to familiarise themselves with the Headquarters’ mission, role, tasks and challenges.
Amongst other things, distinguished visitors were briefed on JFC Brunssum’s responsibilities with regard to: the Alliance’s Resolute Support mission in Afghanistan; NATO Response Force 2016 for which JFC Brunssum is the Standby Command HQs; and the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force which was agreed at the Wales Summit. Led by General Hans-Lothar Domröse, Commander JFC Brunssum, ensuing discussion was wide-ranging.  With an eye to geography, considerable debate focused on the Alliance’s Readiness Action Plan and the increasing contribution of Iceland to Collective Defence. Mr Sigurjonsson highlighted the deep interest his country has in North Atlantic issues and announced that Iceland will provide civilian expertise to the further development and sustainment of NATO’s Readiness Action Plan and Assurance Measures.  
General Domröse took the opportunity to underline NATO’s unshakable commitment to Collective Defence and emphasize that the security threats confronting NATO today are much more unpredictable now than they were only two years ago.  Mr Sigurjonsson, in turn, underscored his country’s commitment to the Alliance.

JFC Brunssum’s Assurance Measures related engagement is part of a concerted NATO effort to increase cooperation and operational information sharing among Allied nations.  This increased awareness and information sharing will enhance Alliance integration, interoperability and overall responsiveness to the challenges posed by the newly emerging arc of crisis, from the ring of fire in the Middle East to the Baltic States.

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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


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6440AG Brunssum
The Netherlands

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6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands